Liberal Demokratic Party of Afghanistan
Hürderstrasse 4 - D-85551 Kirchheim - Germany - Fax 0049 (0) 89 - 329 21 73

Total members: 117.524 (26 June 2017)




Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

On 29 February 2020, a peace agreement between the United States and the Taliban was signed in Doha, Qatar. Under this agreement, 5,000 Taliban members were to be released till 10. March 2020 from Afghan prisons. 

Mr Ashraf Ghani has to date only released 4,400 prisoners and refuses to release the remaining 600. The Taliban has made it clear that the remaining 600 are not foreign nationals, as the Ghani government has claimed. Mr Ghani should immediately release the remaining Taliban prisoners in accordance with the peace agreement in order to clear the way for peace in Afghanistan and consequently enable the Afghan people to live peaceful and happy lives. It does not matter whether the prisoners are Afghan or foreign. We want to pardon the remaining 600 prisoners for the sake of lasting peace in Afghanistan. Making peace is a priority for us and it is what the Afghan people long for.

We, the Afghan people, the Taliban, our neighbours, and the world community all want peace in Afghanistan. Only Mr Ghani wants to sabotage this peace in order to stay in power for another 5 years.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are neighbours, but from time to time there are disputes as between two brothers, which can be resolved through dialogue. 

India has been hostile to Pakistan for a long time, while maintaining a friendly relationship with Afghanistan for many years. As part of this friendship, India interferes in Afghanistan's domestic and foreign affairs, supporting Afghans who are anti-Pakistani. As a result, the Afghan government, like India, regards Pakistan as an enemy. This makes Pakistan feel threatened by enemies on both the right and the left. Out of fear over these threats, Pakistan's attitude towards Afghanistan is deteriorating. The deterioration in the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan has a negative impact on the economies of both countries, causing both to crater. Approx. 90% of the people in Afghanistan live below the poverty line. India's policies have ensured that Afghanistan and Pakistan remain in conflict and are unable to focus on their economic and trade relations. 

We demand from India not to interfere in Afghanistan's domestic and foreign affairs. Afghanistan and Pakistan can solve their bilateral problems through dialogue.

As we have pointed out in our various posts, Mr Ghani remains in power after the most recent fraudulent elections. We, the Afghan people, and the Taliban do not accept him as president of Afghanistan. He should resign immediately and be arraigned for his acts. 

When we take over the government, we will quickly bring about peace in Afghanistan. If Mr Ghani remains in power, the war will continue, the attacks in Kabul and other cities will increase, and more innocent people will be killed.

Afghan women should not be concerned about women's rights when making peace with the Taliban because today's Taliban are no longer the Taliban of the 1990s. The Taliban has adapted to modern times. 

There are currently more than 600,000 widows living in Afghanistan. After taking office, we will provide widows with an additional $500 each in support. 

The Afghan people are allowed to demonstrate on the streets against the illegitimate president and garner attention to their cause via television broadcasters. They should not fear Taliban attacks whilst demonstrating against Mr Ghani because the Taliban share their opinion regarding Mr Ghani. The Afghan people are dissatisfied with Mr Ghani's government. We wish to thank the Afghan television stations for informing the public about the opinions and voices of the Afghan people. 

Best regards

Hayattullah Maiwand

1.Chairman of the FDPA