Liberal Demokratic Party of Afghanistan
Hürderstrasse 4 - D-85551 Kirchheim - Germany - Fax 0049 (0) 89 - 329 21 73

Total members: 117.524 (26 June 2017)




Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Pakistani army is training terrorists and Pakistani secret service is working with terrorists.

We, the Afghan people, do not want the Pakistani Air Force to enter Afghan airspace.
From now on, both Pakistani military aircraft and transport aircraft of military are banned from flying over Afghanistan’s airspace. This also applies to Pakistani transit military flights that want to fly via Afghanistan on their way to other countries.
Pakistani military generals, officers and soldiers are also strictly forbidden to enter our territory. Furthermore, the entry of ISI military intelligence officers into our country is strictly forbidden. Visits by military officers and ISI officers are also strictly forbidden.

We want the world to blacklist Pakistan and impose sanctions on it.

With kind regards