Liberal Demokratic Party of Afghanistan
Hürderstrasse 4 - D-85551 Kirchheim - Germany - Fax 0049 (0) 89 - 329 21 73

Total members: 117.524 (26 June 2017)






Ashraf Ghani's government is in Afghanistan in office since September 2014. His government's scorecard is bleak, having failed in terms of both domestic and international policies. The government has made no progress since coming into power. It provides no services, but instead absolutely betrays the Afghan people by disregarding or trampling all over the Afghan constitution. It’s high time that this government resigns, because it has 100 % failed.


The government of Ashraf Ghani is envolved in nepotism and corruption.

Corruption and chaos can be found far and wide, including in the areas of ministries, the military, police, justice, customs, administration, etc. There is no functioning judicial system as well as control and administrative systems. More than half of tax revenues flow into the private pockets of corrupt rulers.


Between the time this government came into power and the present, those in power have been busy battling over the staffing and distribution of key government posts. These posts are occupied by corrupt individuals. Some government and administration positions are awarded in exchange for cash payments.


There is no functioning secret service to prevent attacks, as most officials are corrupt and close their eyes in order to safeguard their own interests. Furthermore, there is no military discipline, which will be necessary to effectively fight terrorists.


The government is not able to fight against crime and to provide for internal security.

There are criminal gangs that make people's lives difficult in every city. They kidnap wealthy civilians to extort payments of money. Robberies of private property, primarily homes etc., as well as the sexual abuse of children (underage boys) have increased in Afghanistan.


The mineral resources in Afghanistan have been looted by various criminal groups.

Many public and private properties have been illegally taken by rulers.


The fight against opium cultivation and drug trafficking has come to a standstill. A lot of officials are envolved in drug trafficking and due to their personal gain they are never interested to prevent the drug crime.


High-ranking government officials have repeatedly beaten police officers, civil servants, and civilians. The perpetrators of such acts of violence often remain unpunished.


The transparent investigation into the Kabulbank scandal promised by the government is not being moved along. 


Since the government of Ashraf Ghani is in office, the economy of the country is going down. It occurs capital fligt there, because the Afghan people haven lost confidience in the future and there is no security in the country.


Chaos reigns in transportation. There are no traffic regulations. Thousands of people, including children, are killed or injured in traffic accidents annually.  No effective traffic control systems exist. Because of this, vehicle drivers are not asked to show valid drivers’ licenses. Vehicles are not subject to technical inspections. Some of them even drive the streets without license plates.


President Ashraf Ghani still has no significant influence in Kabul or Afghanistan. There is no Afghan state in the towns and villages of Afghanistan, instead it is the warlords and local rulers who call the shots. 


The Afghan government has decided to indicate citizens’ nationalities and ethnic groups on their personal ID cards (Tazkira).

The Afghan people are one nation. Adding their ethnicities to these documents will cause ethnic conflict. This will certainly lead to disputes between future generations. According to international standards, information on an individual’s ethnic group should not be entered on their personal IDs, since they are not documents of ancestry.


The war in Afghanistan has lasted for 38 years. The terrorists are still not defeated. The intended peace process with the Taliban has failed. The Government of Ashraf Ghani has failed to bring peace and failed to bring stability to the country. Some of government officials have closed relation with Taliban an ISIS Groups, therefore such people do not work for the peace and stability in Afghanistan. 


Above all, Afghan women are suffering the most. Incidents of violence against women have increased. In practice, there is no real equality between women and men. Women's rights continue to be violated, as before. There can be no talk of democracy and freedom.


The government of Ashraf Ghani has also failed in other areas, among them environmental protection, infrastructure, relief efforts for refugees who have returned and so on. Unemployment has risen. The people are afraid of terrorist and criminal gangs. There is a lack of security and prospects for the future. The poorest of the poor must suffer from these conditions the most. All this has meant that the number of refugees from Afghanistan has increased one year on. Furthermore, the risk continues to increase that the reactionary Taliban and these terrorists will get a greater response and as a result their numbers will continue to grow. The influence of these extremely dangerous groups grows larger by the day.


We must never forget the terrorist attack of 11 September 2001 and also the other terrorist attacks around the world. The government of Afghanistan should provide all necessary support to the international community in fight against terrorism.


President Ashraf Ghani uses lofty slogan and big promises during his speeches to Afghans and foreign guests, without translating them into action.


Should the government of Ashraf Ghani remain in office, this will continue to be a waste of time and money. The frustration of the Afghan people will thus continue.

The president should not just assume political leadership but also moral leadership. He should be the driving force of the nation which leads the people into a better present and an even better future. The current president has never achieved this goal. Afghanistan seems to be vegetating from a cancer in the face of national and international economy cliques. A sleaze of parties, local leaders, drug barons and clans is preventing the country’s recovery. In case of continuation of this government, this cancer will continue to spread resulting in growing corruption, growing poverty for the mass of Afghanis and growing suffering.

A large amount of financial aid was pledged to Afghanistan during the Afghanistan Conference in Brussels on October 5th 2016. The intent of this aid is to ensure that Afghanistan resolutely pursues political and economic stability and promotes the establishment of the state and continued development. Furthermore, the Afghan government is expected to work towards eliminating corruption, promoting women, and fighting poverty.  However, the Afghan government has not fulfilled such expectations and conditions from the international community in the past.


Only a very small part of the enormous amounts of money provided by the US and Europe for the reconstruction of the country has being invested into such important projects. Most of the money oozes away (into dark channels).


The opportunities for a peacefull and democratic Afghanistan are still there, especially if the Western world supports Afghanistan with financial resources, politcal and economic „know-how“ and soldiers. But don`t forget, that these targets cannot be met with Ashraf Ghani`s corrupt government, as above explained.


Yours faithfully


Hayattullah Maiwand

1.Chairman of FDPA